So the subject of this month’s ‘What I’m Reading Now’ post is a recommendation from a friend that has a pretty good track record of suggesting great books to read. To put it plainly, the last book this gentleman recommended to me was The Beautiful Struggle, years before Ta-Nehisi became Ta-Nehisi. Quite simply that book is solidly one of my personal Top 5 favorite books…ever.
What I’m Reading Now: Insurrections by Rion Amilcar Scott
Type of Book: It’s a fiction book of short stories.
My Current Impression: Wow. Actually, let me put that a different way. WOW!
Three Quick Impressions:
- The pace keeps me engaged and turning the page.
- The writing is vibrant. The stories are memorable.
- Yes, I’ve found myself talking back to the book. (If you know what I’m talking about, just nod your head and share this post.)
My Current Rating:
Pick up your copy today from MahoganyBooks.com
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