VIDEO BOOK REVIEW: Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi



Yaa Gyasi [debut author of Homegoing] takes readers on a journey through three centuries that explores the effects slavery had, not just on our sociopolitical history but, on the human lives changed forever by this institution. Starting at Cape Coast Castle, the point of no return for many Africans who would be enslaved in the Americas, Gyasi introduces us to half sisters Effia and Esi, who never meet each other but are carrying similar stones left by their mother Maame, in the hope that the girls never forget who they are.

Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi


Toni Morrison says that if there is a book you want to read, and it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it. Thankfully, Yaa Gyasi saved me from the inadequate story I would have written because this is a triumphant novel that I could have never ever, in the history of ever-dom, crafted on my own. I’m so impressed and grateful for Gyasi and her words that my spirit’s immediate reaction was to dance. And it’s her debut novel?! Chile, Gyasi is the author we’ve been waiting for. This book needs to be required reading around the world. Around. The. World.

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