When we adopted the hashtag #BlackBooksMatter as a core principle of our company in early 2015, we did so with the intent of championing three critical ideas:
- First, reading a broad array of books written for, by, or about people of the African Diaspora is integral to the development of a personal pride in one’s Black identity and black heritage.
- Second, we owe it to the public to promote written works by people of African ancestry that mainstream outlets overlook (i.e. media, publishing, and retail conglomerates).
- Finally, integrating African and African American writers, fiction and nonfiction, into the educational curriculum from an early stage, and not just during the month of February, is necessary if we ever really desire to address race as a country.
When we received the phone call that the our #BlackBooksMatters initiative would be highlighted by Jones Magazine alongside their feature of Sil Lai Abrams personal memoir we were ecstatic. It’s acutely fitting in fact, Black Lotus is a moving story of Abrams “coming to terms with her black racial and cultural identity.” We encourage you to pick up the December 2016 issue of Jones Magazine and read this great profile then jump over to MahoganyBooks to purchase your copy of Black Lotus.
We also encourage you to check back for our new BlackBooksMatter webpage. We will have book recommendations, links to studies, and other important information that supports your efforts in learning about Black identity and culture through books. It’s our sincere hope that by reading we all become more empowered to better ourselves, our community, and our country.
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